Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Love of life

Wow! I really would never have made the 365 blog. I mean, I can't make it even every other day. I have to say though that Melissa had her baby and oh how cute EVE is.

My sister also had her baby. That is what has kept me away from the blog. I still have been peeking in on all of you to make sure that you are okay, I just haven't been able to post. Here she is....... (make sure you notice the weight of this kid)

We welcomed Sophie on 2/24/09. She was a fat baby born on Fat Tuesday. lol. I thought that to help my sister out, I would drive to Baton Rouge (2 1\2 hours away) by myself and pick up the other 3 children that she has. (Don't get me started) I love those kids and so does DH and DS. I thought to keep it a secret that I was bringing them back with me as DH would have said no because it was just too much for me to handle at almost 30 weeks pregnant myself. Oh well I am stubborn, I did it anyway. He was at the door when I got home (I was 3 hours late) waiting for me and when he saw K K he gave me that look of mad and then turned it right to a smile.

I realized really quickly that my husband has waited a long time for this little girl in my womb. I think that he is just as devastated by infertility as I am. You see I took for granted that he understood. Yeah I have posted about this before but I truly thought that he was not understanding. He just kept saying, baby our time is coming. It will happen. Quit stressing over it. As any of you can imagine, this never sat well with me but I just kept all of my feelings bottled up and when it would come out, it was not pretty at all. I wanted to strangle him. I wanted to shove him in a corner and hurt him. lol.

All of that said, I realized just how effected he really was. I watched my husband who is an affectionate man normally but not overly so, cuddle with my niece and kiss her gently on the forehead and make sure that she was feeling okay. I watched as he sat beside them at bedtime to say their prayers. I watched him tear up when they had to go home after only a few days. this is not my normal DH you see.

After the conversations I just sat and cried. I never realized how badly my DH wanted a daughter. I mean every man wants a son right? and we have one. He is a great kid and DH has been a great dad. DH explained that boys always gravitate to momma and daddy's are there to keep them in line pretty much. Well DH was not at himself when DS was born or throughout his first 4 years or so. He was struggling with Alcoholism. I praise the lord that he is better now. He thinks that is why this is affecting him so greatly. He knows that "daddy's lil lady" will be here soon and he will be here to change her diaper and hold her and comfort her. he really gets it now.

I know I am babbling. I really don't have rational thoughts anymore. They are more sentences that can be pieced together. lol.


Cyn said...

It's wonderful that he gets the chance to go through it again and thoroughly enjoy it this time. We never really know what our men are thinking until the open up about it. How lucky you are that you actually got to see how he's really been feeling.

Melissa said...

Aww. Thanks for welcoming Eve. I have some things for you.. its just a little tough to get to the post office these days. :) How neat that your little (Ok.. NOT little.. OMG!) neice was born the same day as Eve.. Two fat tuesday babies!. Your description of your husband made me cry.. Well everything makes me cry these days with these hormones.. but I totally know what you mean.. Now that Eve is here I can see that he was just as heartbroken as me last year..

Anonymous said...

It's so sweet that she is already daddy's little girl. How special!

alicia said...

congrats to your sis!! what a beautiful big baby!!! so cute

aww you DH sounds so precious, I am so glad you have each other and this little girl on the way!

Arian said...

I weighed the exact same thing when I was born! (My mom had GD) I hear about it all the time! She likes to tell me that my issues stem from her being unable to pick me up for several days after birth. I exceeded her 10 lb limit after the c-section!

Men deal with this stuff so differently. It can be a bit frustrating until you realize how they truly feel.