Monday, March 30, 2009

It has GOT to get better

Well to add to the bed rest blues, I have developed some kind of allergy and sinus party in my head. This is so not cool. My internet is down in the living room and so I have to go the J's nursery (which I really don't mind) but the only thing that is in there for me to sit on is the rocker and it is not that comfy when trying to type. Oh I so know that I am whining and I am not okay with that. I wanted to have the perfect pregnancy with the jaw dropping water breakage and the OMG honey, it's time. Well, that is not going to happen and it has me all down.

I think I am just having a blue day. I will back tomorrow and hopefully be in a better mood.


Melissa said...

Oh I am so sorry hon! I had a weird sinus thing going on toward the end of my pregnancy too (mine was more around 36-38 weeks..) and i just felt crappy all the time.. You deserve to whine!

On My Mind 24/7 said...

Hey there, here from L&FCA. Sorry you are stuck at home on bed rest, it must be very hard not to go stir crazy! Wishing you well, maybe your family or friends could stop by and visit to pass the time. You're almost there!

alicia said...

ahh sorry about the blue day! I think those are super normal in the last few weeks of pregnancy! I have been having lots of days were I am upset and grumpy and for NO reason! I can't shake it off. hang in there, soon your little girl will be here!

nell ann said...

Sorry to hear the news, but your pregnancy will be all worth it when you hold your baby in your arms! Nothing is ever the way we think it will be, right?!