Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ahhhhh a pregnant migrane sucks

So yesterday was horrible. I had a migrane like never before. I couldn't talk, keep my eyes open or function at anything. I was so miserable. DH took me home and took great care of me. He made sure that my heat pack was kept warm and made it dark in the living room and he even took care of dinner. Oh how I love that man. I am on travel for work tonight and I didn't even pack a bag last night. I had to rush and get things together this morning which included leaving my laptop. So not funny. I am however looking forward to the Sheraton deep bath with an unlimited supply of hot water. lol.

Just a suggestion to you, if you ever need a heating pack and don't have one, let me give you a suggestion.....
Take a sock and fill it with rice (uncooked) and tie a knot in the end. Put it in the microwave for about a minute at time until desired heat. There you go. You can mold it to any shape you need for any pain you have. DH's doctor told us about it and it is awsome. It will keep for a long time as you are not really cooking the rice and it holds heat for about 45 minutes. I love it.


alicia said...

ohhh boo on the migraines! i hate those, and there is nothing you can do when PG! yuck I hope you don't get another one!

Amanda said...

Hey, thanks for all your comments!! Always brighten my day! Hope you're feeling good. I can't believe you're almost under 100 days to go!! So exciting.