Ok I finally have just a moment to write this so I think I should take advantage. I will start with the birth story. I warn you that it is short. lol.
I had been having mild contractions (ones that would just catch you off guard but not stop you in your tracks) all day on Sunday. We all went to the flea market and walked around. I was uncomfortable but nothing too bad. I laughed and even ordered a dress for Jess. Jeff and I were frustrated as she was teasing us again. Contractions were not steady and when they were they never lasted more than an hour and as soon as I would get in the truck to go to the hospital, they would stop.
On Monday I had a doctors appt at 1:45 and so I thought I would just go in and we would schedule Friday's induction. I had pains that morning but again, nothing steady and nothing too hard. We went in and laughed that we were going to the local Waffle house afterwards as I was starving. lol. While having the exam, I could tell that there was something different about the way the doctor was touching me and so when we went into the office to talk to him, I was shocked when he said that I was between 5 and 6 and we needed to go to the hospital to "get this over with". J and I were crying and laughing and getting all excited. We went to get our son from school and it was funny when I went in the office to check him out and there was about 10 women in there freaking out that I was going to have a baby in the next few minutes and I was so calm. I mean I still was not feeling anything. We got to the hospital admission and we told the woman that I was in labor, only to have her make me sit and wait for 20 minutes. I knew that my doctor was there and waiting but we had to wait. Finally they told me to just go to L&D. Come to find out L&D had been expecting me and called down to see if I was there and when told that I was, they told them to send me up.... I was in labor.... duh!!!
Once in there, I got and IV at 2:30 and then I had to get a quick bag of fluids before my epidural. I was so happy to see the "happy dr" cause I was ready to get the Pitocin and get the show on the road. I got the epidural and knew from the get go that there was something wrong. It was not what I had done research on. There was actual pain and not pressure. I told him but he just joked it off and continued to flirt with the nurse. I breathed thru the pain and continued to pray. They nurse (whom I love) then turned up the Pitocin from 2 to 10 and the contractions started right away and were 2 minutes apart. I struggled thru the pain and kept telling them that I was feeling everything. The "happy dr" came back and gave me a "booster". Well it lasted about 5 minutes and then it was on again. My dr. came in to check on me and realized right away that I was doing this naturally. He asked me if I wanted pain meds in my IV and I was adimate that I didn't. I had nightmares with our son's birth and I was not going back. I told him that I could do this and I could breath thru them. My contractions were not 30 seconds apart and hard as all get out. His nurse (whom I again, love) told him that I was doing great with my breathing and that she thought I would be fine. My dr. was so sweet. He told me that I had waited too long for her and now was the time and he was sure that I could do it.
We got our son in there and he went to hide in the bathroom for the actual delivery and then it was time to push. I pushed once and I am here to tell you that it felt as though the doctor had his hands in there and holding her in. I couldn't push past him. I started to panic for about 30 seconds with the raising of my voice saying that I couldn't do it. DH says that I never raised my voice and that I was always in control but I was not for sure of that. lol. I pulled it together and prayed out loud for strength to get thru it. I then ( and I promise you I remember this) lifted my head and told the doctor that if he would get his fingers out of me, I could push my baby girl out. Even the nurse gave me a look of shock. He did what I asked and i pushed and her head was out. I stopped and then I pushed for her body. That was the 3 pushes and she was here. It was just like I wanted, she cried and they put her on my chest. I was crying, so was DH and so was the MIL. It was the best. I apologized over and over again and the dr told me that I didn't need to. I learned later that he was only trying to stretch me so I didn't tear and since I wouldn't let him help, I tore and needed 8 stitches. I still felt horrible for the way I acted. He said I was fine.
Jess was born at 5:28 so almost exactly 3 hours after my IV, she was here. My time in the hospital was great. I would have to tell you later my stay story. My nurses were the best. Okay not some but still those were not that bad. The pictures are me right after the birth. I really felt great. I mean, I just gave birth but I felt great. Then there is the first pic of Jess and then a new one just for you to look at our beauty. I am so happy to have her and I thank God every day that she is here. It was worth the journey.
On the breast feeding front, I am pumping and giving it to her in a bottle. That is working great for us. More on that as well later. haha.
Aww! Glad you got a chance to get it written down. You'll love being able to look back on it!
That sounds like a great story!! I'm sure you'll love going back and reading over and over again!
Also, thanks for looking at that shelf. Do you think they ship? What was the name of the store again? maybe I could call them. Thank you again!!! You're too sweet!
yay what a story! can't believe it only took you 3 pushes, rock star you!
Wow... walking around ordering stuff & 5/6cm dilated! Go you! :)
Sucks you didn't get the Waffle House breakfast, though! HaHa!
Glad you did so well & that you liked most of the nurses!
And congrats, again! Love the pictures! :)
She's simply beautiful!
She is SO BEAUTIFUL! And what a quick birth! Congrats!
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