Thursday, July 24, 2008

Updates and new features

Day 14

Okay so I will update you on my sister. Let me give you a brief history on her. When she was 15 months old, she chewed, swallowed and then aspirated a crayon. This in itself caused severe damage to her lungs. She was in the hospital for 18 months and was clinically called as dead 3 times. She kept a tracheotomy for the full 18 months. Now fast forward many years and in 2004 she was having trouble breathing so she saw a pulminologist, he informed her that she has COPD and emphysema. We were devastated. She is the middle sister and so my younger sister and I were on a vigil to get her well. Boy is she stubborn with treatment. So even further ahead to Monday, she called and said that she was coughing up blood. I freaked. Left for the hospital and walked in on a doctor telling my mother and sister that with her age and the trouble she was having that it more than likely was cancer…. Yes he said the word cancer to them. I was pissed. I flipped out. And with not going into the unchristian words I said to the doctor, got her assigned another doctor. Well finally last night we got the word that the bronchoscope that they had done brought great news. The new doctor said that after reviewing all of her charts, she not only does NOT, I repeat, NOT have COPD or emphysema, it is only scar tissue. Well that in and of itself is bad enough. It is what caused a “blister infection” within the lining of her lungs. It is highly infectious and has to be treated with high doses of medication. All of this really is great news. She will be fine. The doctor that diagnosed her before actually was causing more trouble as he put her on oxygen at home and this makes her not have to work as hard for a breath. She needs to come off of the oxygen during the day and she needs to be doing breathing exercises. She only needs the oxygen when she goes to bed. She is being treated and should be released on Friday with a strict regimen of breathing treatments and lung exercises to strengthen her lungs. Here are pics.

She and I at Thanksgiving.

She and I last night.

Traci the first night in the hospital

Below are her 2 beautiful girls with their je-je who loves them to death.

Here is my dear son keeping his aunt Traci company. Ain't he the cutest.

So today is another day. Saw my sissy in the hospital last night and we played cards and I was having a fetish with the new blow up bed that she was sleeping in. It not only was soft but it vibrated. It was something to be desired. I was all about sitting on the end of the bed with the motor. Don’t ask. I know it is kinky but …. Well anyway…..

So I took another OPK last night and there was 1\2 a line but what was there was darker. See below. The first picture is the first days the second is the last 2 days. Remember, I am taking them one in the morning and one at night. You can see the change and you can tell that the one from this morning is darker and stronger. I may not have Od on day 14 but I think I am getting there. Whew this is tiring yet almost like a game. Lol. I am actually enjoying this cycle.
They go from top to bottom and hopefully you can see the second lines. Granted some times there were not 2 lines. lol. You can see that the very top one is much darker. woooo hooo, I take that as a good sign. I will make sure that I mark them and so on better for next time. lol.

I was also noticing with all of the blogs that I read how just within my realm, things are happening in 3's. Anyone that reads this blog knows that I say that things good and bad always happen in 3's. To me that is anyways. lol. Well here is a list to show you what I mean and the links to the ladies sites...

Starting tww window


waiting for results


Just starting a cycle



A Decade of BFNs said...

Thanks for paying me a visit. I am glad to hear that your sister got a different doctor. The first was just horrible to tell her such things w/o being 110% sure. I do see the dark line on the OPK YAY!!!

Kiddies are all adorable.

alicia said...

soo glad to hear about your sis! way to go getting her a new doc!!!

that is so cool that things are happening in 3's, that is so a good sign for us!

Amanda said...

I hope this is it for us too!! Keeping fingers crossed.

Also, praying for your sister!

Kristen said...

Glad to hear that your sister is doing well! I'll keep your family in my prayers!

Classy Educated SophistAKAted said...

Thats great that she is doing great and thank God that you changed doctors for her, that was a great thing! I am a little bit slow, but I didn't know us pcosers can use OPKs. Oh wow. I've seen the light. I love to POAS. Please tell me how do you use OPKs. Thanks and talk to you soon!