Thursday, April 3, 2008


So I haven't really blogged and now looking back, I should have. It might have really helped me get thru this time. I could have vented to people who knew what was going on with me. I am at this point tierd. I am finally at the end of the misscarriage process. We started to loose the baby on 3/21/08. I knew something was wrong while at the doctors appointment on 3/10/08 when he said that there was just a sac. He started talking funny and sending me off for blood work pretty quick. His tone was funny but he was acting as though everything was fine. Again, looking back, I just wish that he would have told me what was going on. I sat on pins and needles for a week just waiting for the next ultrasound only to be told that this was not a viable pregnancy. I was suffering from what many woman suffer from. A, "blythed ovum" yeah, I'm not stupid but I needed him to talk to me like I wasn't just finishing up medical school.

Believe you me, I am very interested when it comes to my PCOS and if you were to ask me about counting days and mucous testing and ferning and ovulation and leutal phase, I could tell you anything but you throw a word out there like that and I don't know what it means.

I do know that this is the 2nd miscarriage in 3 months after 12 years of trying to get pregnant with no success and I don't know the cause of the first one but now I have a "blighted Ovum" (Thank you to Anne).

maybe I should have done this long ago but I just needed to step back in and feel better by venting. I have archived the pregnancy blogs as it makes me sad to look at.


Anne said...

I'm so, so sorry for your loss and for your doctor's poor explaining skills. Do you think he could have said "blighted ovum"? The American Pregnancy Association has a good basic explanation of the term at

Blighted ovums are pretty common and they usually just happen once, like a fluke thing. I'm sure you'll be blessed with a successful pregnancy soon. Good luck.

Amy said...

I'm sorry for your loss. I've never been pg so I can't say I know how you feel...but I can empathize.

I found your blog by way of Mel's Lost and Found. Take care.


Jenni said...

Thank you so much. Anne you are right.... I misunderstood. lol. I have so much more understanding.