Monday, March 3, 2008

Another day of waiting

I found that over the last week, it has been hard to wait for my 6 week visit. I mean, I know we found out that we were pregnant early but man, this waiting is killing me. I seriously should take stock in the urinalysis tests. I take one about every other day just to be sure that there is no change and that the "positive" line is getting darker. I know that I am pregnant and I claim this pregnancy in the Lord's name. There is no "but" after that. I think I am just one of the women that need reassurance. lol.

So in the last week I have been worried about a slight tugging and pulling maybe even pressure feeling in my lower abdomen. I have talked to a couple of others that are pregnant as well and just a little farther than I am and they say that this is normal for the second pregnancy and even more so that it has been almost 13 years since being pregnant. Again, I believe them, I just worry about everything.

Believe you me when I tell you that the symptoms are there. I can tell you that my nipples are so swollen and tender, I want my husband to carry them around for a little while. lol. He declines and laughs. I don't think this is funny. I think that he is getting off easy. (wait, that was just too funny) I mean he really didn't have to do anything. I was the one that was obsessed with what day of my cycle it was, when I should take the medicine, did I take it at the same time as yesterday, did I watch my diet, am I loosing weight, what is my temperature, what does the mucous look like. Man just talking about that is draining even to me.

With all of this said, here he is sitting on the couch, eating whatever he wants, not worried about temperature drops and laughing at me when I get excited for the egg white of mucous. I am telling you. This has got to be the funniest thing ever. lol.

I am feeling a little better, but the nausea is still here. I eat very little but I so make sure that I am eating. I can't tell you how excited we are and how much we pray for God to wrap his magnificent arms around me and keep this "tater safe".

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